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  • Writer's pictureKari Bastyr, MS, CDBC, CPCN

Dog Training: Is Online Dog Training and Behavior Modification Really that Effective?

Unequivocally, Yes! I have found it to equally as effective as in-person learning, and sometimes even more so.  Virtual learning has become the norm in nearly every industry. And effective online dog training is no exception. If there’s a skill I want to learn, I have the ability to choose the most qualified teacher no matter where they are. In this case, you are lucky to have the option to find a trainer that best fits your dog’s needs, even if it means they are not within driving distance. Do you want someone with the best education, experience, certifications and qualifications, or someone with little knowledge of how to help your dog just because they are able to come to your home?

I’ve been doing online dog training since 2016 (and dog training education as a whole since 1993), even before the pandemic. Online dog training allowed me to move to Minnesota from Denver to open a second Wag & Train, and still work with my clients in Denver virtually. I already had a well-oiled machine before 2020 when we all had to go virtual for work, school, doctor appointments, and other meetings.  These days Zoom lessons are convenient, they work amazingly well, are more cost effective, and there are benefits for both you and your dog. A lot of time, dogs sit in on the appointments, too, and some of them even listen!

If your dog is uncomfortable around other dogs, people, or children, behavior modification begins without another dog, person, or child present, even for in-home sessions. I want to avoid your dog practicing the behavior we are trying to prevent.  And in reality, I am in your living room either way.

You’ll receive the exact same homework, behavior treatment plan, and guidance as my in-person programs, plus you will be the one handling your dog for the duration of training. Being the point person for your dog can be extremely helpful to build your confidence and provide fast results at home. The added bonus is that your dog will continue to bond to you, and not to me.

This may come as a surprise, but I am mostly a people trainer, not just a dog trainer. I will teach you how to read your dog’s signals, understand her emotions, implement the behavior protocols, look for the right supplements and tweak his diet, modify her behavior with daily training exercises, and show you how to manage his environment to prevent the behaviors you would like to change. I really can do all that with online dog training!  The bottom line is I don’t live with you, so you will be the only one doing the day-to-day training.  And you can do it, I promise.

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