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  • Writer's pictureKari Bastyr, MS, CDBC, CPCN

Django: Dog Training Sessions bring back Quality of Life

Dog Training Success Story Testimonial

I brought my two year old Hungarian Puli, Django, to Kari for training. He had a run-in with a bigger dog and developed severe anxiety around other people and animals. He barked relentlessly at everyone, and even bit someone who was trying to approach him to pet him. After four or five sessions with Kari, Django is totally transformed! He can walk right past people on the sidewalk with no fear. He can sit and watch a dog walk by without barking. He walks with me and watches for my cues instead of lunging at everything. His gut health is better, and he’s calmer in his crate when I’m leaving. We both have our quality of life back, and I’m so grateful!

Thanks, Kari!

Megie C, Denver, Co

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